How to get Driving License in Sweden: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Many people (especially expats and foreigners) think that obtaining Sweden driving license is difficult, complicated, troublesome, and expensive process. But did you know that Sweden is one of the safest countries to drive in and has lowest traffic mortality rates in the world? And that’s why there are huge driving license requirements in Sweden and stringent process to go thorough in obtaining Swedish driving license.  Off course, everyone realizes in Sweden that traffic safety is everyone’s responsibility.

If you are planning to stay in Sweden for a while, then getting Swedish car driving license is worth. This article will provide you the steps to obtain Swedish car driving license. If you plan and prepare properly for Swedish driver’s license, I am sure you will enjoy the process and realize that the process was not so difficult as you were thinking.

Here you explore the step-by-step guide to a Swedish driving license

Common questions about Swedish driving license

I am sure, you are wondering about some common questions about driver’s license. Let me quickly provide you the answers to those common questions before we start step by step process of obtaining Swedish driving license.

Does international driving issued in foreign countries valid in Sweden?

Foreign driving license can be valid in Sweden for certain period of time depending on the country that issued the license. You can check with Swedish Transport Agency (Transport Styrelsen) for more details. 

Can I exchange foreign driving license for Swedish license?

If you have permanent Swedish residency and if you have a driver’s license issued from one of the EEU countries, Switzerland, Japan, UK, or the Faeroe Islands. Then you can exchange your license with Swedish driving license. You can check with Swedish Transport Agency (Transport Styrelsen) for more details.
The EEA (European Economy Association) countries list: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.

What are the driving license requirements in Sweden?

Minimum 18 years for passenger car (Age criteria is based on the category of the vehicle)
You have personnumer (social security number).
Learner’s permit in Sweden. (You can find the details further below in this article) Theory (written) and practical driving test qualified.

What is the cost of Sweden driver’s license?

Basically, we need to broadly divide the expenses in two categories mandatory and variable. Mandatory expenses are same for everyone and that includes fees for eye test, Risk tests, theory, and practical tests. Variable expenses can vary person to person depending on how much driving lessons you need, the driving school you are taking lessons from, what resources you are using for theory preparation, and how much attempts you needed to pass theory and practical exams and so on.  Average you can expect around 8000-12000 SEK (including approx. 4500 SEK mandatory expenses) assuming you are good driver in your country, and you need fewer driving lessons from driving school, practicing with friend or family member, and you pass the exam in first attempt. Please be aware license cost varies person to person depending on the various circumstances mentioned.  

How much time does it take to get a driving license in Sweden?

You need to go through certain steps to obtain a driving license, generally it can take up to 2-3 months. I have explained the steps in detail in this article. You can estimate how long it will take to get a driving license for you in Sweden?

Which driving license is better manual vs automatic transmission?

Well, there are pros and cons for both. For example, if you obtained manual license then you can also drive automatic one but with automatic transmission, you cannot drive manual car. Automatic is easier compared to manual so your probability of passing increases. Rental cars with manual transmission are cheaper compared to automatic. Based on your need and comfort you can choose the right one. But I am lenient towards automatic transmission for driving ease.

Steps for obtaining Swedish driving license

Here is the driving license process in Sweden explained.

  • Apply for learner’s permit.
  • Start driving practice (at home/professional driving lessons)
  • Theoretical examination preparation.
  • Complete Risk 1 course
  • Complete Risk 2 course
  • Pass theory exam.
  • Pass practical exam.

1. Apply Learner’s permit

Though you have already drove a car and you are good at driving, you cannot start practicing car driving unless you get learner’s permit and what it is known in Swedish as “körkortstillstånd”. You can get learner’s permit by following simple steps. Learner’s permit does not cost any fee but eyesight test cost fees and which can be around 100-200 SEK.

  1. Submit online application at Transport Styrelsen.
  2. Alternatively, you can submit hard copy as well.
  3. Get your eye examined from certified optician or authorized driving school and get an eye certificate. You need to submit this certificate with the application. (If you are submitting the form online, eye certificate will be sent to Transport Styrelsen online by optician/driving school)
  4. Sign the health declaration during submission of the form. Declaration is associated with your medical fitness for driving.

You can get learner’s permit (“körkortstillstånd”) usually within couple of weeks or may take more time in some cases. Körkortstillstånd is valid for 5 years.

2. Start driving practice (at home/professional driving lessons)

Cheers! You got your learner’s permit – Körkortstillstånd. Now you are ready to start driving practice or what it is called in Swedish – övningsköra.

Practice at home
You can start practicing driving with your friend, family member etc. as handledare. However, handledare needs to satisfy certain criteria before offering practice sessions to beginners and these are –
– should be at least 24 years old.
– should have had holding valid driver’s license from at least for last 5 years.
– should have valid tutors’ permission as Handledare.
One who satisfies above criteria can get permission (aka handledarbevis) from Swedish Transport Agency to become Handledare.
If you decide to practice with Handledare, you both needs to complete the mandatory introduction course – introduktionsutbildning. Most of the driving schools run this course. The duration of this course is 3-5 hours and can be completed in a day.

Practice at training school
You can also choose to take driving lessons professionally at driving schools or with professional Handledare. You will be charged per lesson, and it can usually be from 500-1000 SEK, and you can find packages. You can check with driving schools.
Though practicing by yourself saves cost but it’s recommended to take professional driving lessons as you will learn latest driving and right rules. OR at least you can take initial lessons professionally and then for practice those lessons you can go for self-practicing with your Handledare.

3. Prepare theoretical examination for driving license.

Theoretical examination is based on topics like traffic rules in Sweden & regulation, traffic signs, safety, environment etc. It is recommended to learn these topics and prepare for Swedish driving license exam in parallel with your driving practice. The aim of the theoretical exam is to let you understand Swedish traffic rules & regulation thoroughly.
You can buy a book Körkortsboken from bookstore like AKADEMIBOKHANDELN or order online. This book is available in English as well called Körkortsboken på Engelska. Make sure you are using latest edition of the book. There are mobile apps also available for preparation and mock test.

If you have decided to practice with driving school or professional Handledare, you can get guidance on theoretical preparation from them.

4. Risk Training for driving license

Risk training (or what it’s referred in Swdish is riskutbildning) involves two parts Risk 1 and Risk 2. Both the part of the training is mandatory for final practical driving test in Sweden.

Risk 1:
This is theoretical training mainly involves topics around risks while driving e.g., how alcohol, drugs and fatigue can affect your driving. This is a classroom training of maximum 3 hours duration. Risk 1 training is conducted by many registered driving schools. Your attendance gets reported to Transport Agency.

Risk 2:
This is also a mandatory training that you need to complete. Risk 2 is practical training mainly focused on security and speed issues and how you own the control in extreme situation. Pre-requisite for this training is you should be able to drive well.
The main aspect of this section is skidding training – what it is called in Sedish – halkbana where they will test your driving abilities in extreme conditions such as icy roads. Once completing this training, you will receive a certificate which is valid for 5 years.

5. Book theory and driving test exams.

When you are confident about your driving and gained good theoretical knowledge, you can book the exams online. You can book exams in advance but not more than 11 months. Also, make sure that you have completed all mandatory courses explained above before appearing for exam.
Schedule and manage your exams here

6. Theory test

On the scheduled date of your theory exam, make sure to be present well in time as per your schedule. Your identity will be verified so don’t forget to bring your identity card. Also, your photograph will be taken before the test.

The theory test assesses whether you have the necessary theoretical knowledge to be a safe, eco-friendly driver. Other than Swedish, you can choose English medium for your exam. Here are other languages you can opt for your exam.
Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, Croatian, Finnish, French, Persian, Russian, Serbian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Thai and Turkish.

The duration of test is 50 minutes. There are 70 multiple choice questions, and you need to provide correct answers for at least 52 questions. It means, you need to score at least 75% for passing the exam. You will get the result immediately after the exam and detailed score will also be sent to your email.

7. Driving test

On the day of your driving test, driving test process and details of assessment will be explained in the beginning of the test process. The instructions are only in Swedish and if you don’t know Swedish then you will be able to watch the video. It’s recommended to watch the video before you come to your test. If you have trained with driving school, you get their guidance on it. Here is the video that explains the details.

For driving test, you can rent a car from Trafikverket where you are appearing for test, or you can borrow from driving school.

The driving test consists of:

  • safety inspection.
  • driving

Initially, you will be asked to perform a safety inspection. After that, you drive for a minimum of 25 minutes in a different road condition; for example, urban and rural. The examiner will give you clear instructions on which route to follow. If a dangerous situation arises in which the examiner is required to intervene, you are still regarded as the driver of the vehicle and remain liable if something happens during the test.

When taking your driving test, you will be required to prove that you can independently apply your theoretical knowledge to safe driving practices. In the test, you are assessed based on several areas of competence.

Immediately after the driving test, the examiner will provide you feedback on your driving test performance i.e., whether you have passed or failed. The result will be sent to your email address as well.

Disclaimer: Its recommended to check the latest information with Transport agency.