Sweden Long-Term Resident Status (LTR): Your Key to Sweden PR And Eligibility to Work in EU

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In June 2021, Sweden implemented a new regulation regarding permanent residency (Sweden PR ) approvals for dependent applicants, which includes spouses or partners. Under this regulation, dependent applicants are no longer granted automatic permanent residency when the primary applicant is approved. Instead, dependents are now required to meet the permanent residency criteria independently, with a specific focus on income requirements. This rule mandates that dependents must be employed and earn a specified income to be eligible for Sweden’s permanent residency.

Explore this article to know about what is long term residence status (LTR) in Sweden? how getting long term residence status can help you to get Sweden PR. LTR can also help your partner to get Sweden permanent residency (PR), even if they are not currently employed or earning the requisite income. You can also find a way to get PR for you when your employer wants you to file work-permit extension and not PR.

So, lets get into it, first take a look at normal process for getting Sweden PR.

How to get Sweden PR (Permanent residency permit)?

When applying for an extension of your work permit, you have the option to simultaneously submit an application for a permanent residence permit. Qualifying for a permanent residence permit entails meeting the prerequisites for an extended work permit. In addition, you must:

  • Hold a work permit as an employee and have a 4 year work history in Sweden within the past 7 years.
  • Demonstrate the ability to sustain yourself financially.
  • Maintain an orderly and law-abiding lifestyle.

Also, applicant should fulfill special requirements in order to get permanent residency permit

  • Applicant should able to support financially (it means all individual applicants including spouse and partner should fulfill minimum criteria of earning either by employment or doing business) 
  • Applicants should live an orderly life.(The Swedish Parliament wishes to prevent people who are likely to commit crimes in the future from obtaining the permanent right to live in Sweden.)

Migrationverket (Sweden Migration department) may ask for other supportive documents as well e.g. residence proof (housing contract etc.)   

So, your dependent children will get permanent residency permits automatically when approved for you but your spouse or partner will not get PR unless they are able to support themselves financially. But there are chances your spouse can get a permanent residency permit approved if you apply for Sweden long-term status along with your dependents.    

Getting long-term status to Sweden is your key to secure Sweden permanent residency (Sweden PR) and eligibility to work anywhere in EU. Explore what is long-term status and how you can get long-term status

What is Long-term resident status in Sweden?

Long-term resident status in Sweden is a legal status that offers certain rights and opportunities to individuals from non-EU countries who have maintained uninterrupted residence in Sweden for a continuous five-year period. This status places you on par with EU citizens in terms of rights and privileges, significantly enhancing your prospects for work, study, or launching your own business in another EU member state.

It’s important to note that long-term resident status is distinct from a residence permit. When applying for long-term resident status in Sweden, the Swedish Migration Agency will exclusively evaluate your eligibility for this particular status within Sweden’s legal framework.

What Are the Requirements for Obtaining Long-Term Resident Status in Sweden?

To qualify for long-term resident status, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have resided continuously in Sweden for a five-year period (Note: The time spent as a student on a permit below the doctoral or research level cannot be counted).
  • Possess a residence permit or maintain legal residence in Sweden based on other grounds for the preceding five years.
  • Demonstrate the ability to support yourself and your family in the long term. This requirement necessitates more than temporary income or financial assets at the time of application. You must provide evidence that you can sustain yourself and your family not only presently but also in the future through a steady, long-term income source

When your employer is unwilling to file a Sweden permanent residency permit (Sweden PR) for you, pursuing long-term resident status may be your ticket to securing Sweden PR.

SwedenGuru - Sweden Permanent Residency Approved

How to apply for long-term resident status?

It’s quite simple. You can download the ‘Application for Permanent Residency’ form (Ansökan om ställning som varaktigt bosatt, 138011) here. We recommend getting it from Migration Agency’s website

Please note that this form is available only in Swedish. You should fill out the form separately for each person, including dependent applicants.

You’ll also need to attach the following documents:

  • Copies of your passport that display your personal details, signature, the expiration date, and whether you have permission to live in countries other than your home country (learn more about what the copies must show).
  • Documents demonstrating how you support yourself and your family. This can include a work certificate, your most recent pay stubs, pension statements, bank statements, income statements from the Swedish Tax Agency, or a statement of income from your own company.
  • Documents confirming your accommodation costs, such as rental agreements, purchase contracts, and statements indicating your monthly housing expenses.

Once your application is complete, you can mail it to the following address: 

The Swedish Migration Agency/Migrationsverket
Box 3100 903 03

That’s it, wait for the application to be processed and be prompt to answer any queries from the Migrationverket in order to avoid delay or rejection.

Your application is in Migrationverket’s hands now, so stay responsive to their queries (if any) for a smooth journey to approval!

If you are granted long-term resident status and do not already have a permanent residence permit (PR), you will also be given a decision on permanent residence permit.

Our Remarkable Journey of securing Sweden PR

Four years into our adventure in Sweden, I applied for a work permit extension and permanent residency permit (PR) in July 2021, with my dear dependents – my spouse and our two children, both under 15 years old. It was just two weeks after the special PR requirements came into effect, which seemed like bad timing! Nevertheless, as expected, we received a decision in May 2022. PR was granted for me and the children, but my spouse, not being employed, received a two-year extension until June 2023.

Fast forward to December 2023, I submitted an application for long-term status in Sweden, not just for myself but also for my spouse and one of our children (the other being under 5 at the time). Additionally, in June 2023, I applied for a standard extension for my spouse. We eagerly awaited the decision, and it finally arrived in October 2023 – long-term status approved for all of us.

What’s more, my spouse not only secured long-term status but also achieved the coveted status of permanent residency permit (Sweden PR). Hurray! However, there was an expected twist in the tale; Migrationverket had declined my spouse’s regular extension case, citing her newly acquired permanent residence permit. And here the magical section of the decision letter.

Sweden Guru - How to get Sweden PR

In conclusion, should your spouse or partner face challenges in securing Sweden’s permanent residency permit (PR) due to specific financial support criteria OR your employer is unwilling to file PR for you, and if you meet the criteria for Sweden’s long-term status, you have the opportunity to apply for long-term status. With hope and determination, you can attain not only long-term status but also the cherished permanent residency permit (PR) for your spouse or partner, just as we did. Wishing you the best of luck on your journey!

Here you can read in detail about long-term status in Sweden

This article is for information purpose only and not a legal advise. We recommend you to follow the latest information and guidelines from Sweden Migrationverket to apply any kind of permit.

6 thoughts on “Sweden Long-Term Resident Status (LTR): Your Key to Sweden PR And Eligibility to Work in EU”

  1. Thanks for sharing this.

    Could you pls clarify on below questions.
    You have applied for long term resident status for you ( even if you have got PR already ) and dependant wife ? If yes , why would you also apply inspite of having a PR

    The decision on this case is that your wife secured PR by applying for long term residency status ?

    • Hi Ravi,
      Though I have PR, I applied for Long-term resident (LTR) status in Sweden because with LTR, we are eligible to work in other schengen countries (except Switzerland, Denmark) this benefit is as good as EU citizen. Applied LTR for wife since she was not eligible for PR regarding income criteria. She got LTR approved as well PR.
      I hope, you got answers to your queries.


  2. Hi, thanks for sharing. Could you have applied for citizenship for yourself and LTR for your spouse? I understand you might have personal reasons to not opt for citizenship, but I’m wondering if that could be an option if one likes to do so.

    • Hello RM,

      Yes, if one spouse already has PR, they can apply for citizenship, and the dependent spouse can apply for LTR. I have some personal reasons for not applying for citizenship at the moment. However, when we decide to apply for citizenship, we will do it for the entire family, and our case won’t have any complexities since we all have the same permit status now. (But, just to clarify, it wasn’t the original plan to avoid citizenship and opt for LTR for me).


  3. Hi
    When you applied for an LTR, did your wife have a permanent job?
    Do you know what kind of job catogery (hourly/fixed/permanent )are eligible for LTR irrespective of salary ?

    • Hi Abu,
      When I applied for LTR, my spouse working in a permanent job but was on probation but when decision made she was not working (we got query from MV to provide latest salary slip, we clearly mentioned that she is not working and unable to provide the salary slip). There is no specific salary criteria for applying LTR however for unemployed spouse, other spouse should able to financially support the entire family for long term. I think, it matters the past financial history and showcasing the future financial support. Hope, this clarified your query.


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