About Us

Welcome to Swedenguru.com, your go-to source for all things Sweden! We’re here to guide Swedish lifestyle and essentials. Explore this site to get the information about life, news, events, how-to, specific expats communities, and many more topics to provide you updates and knowledge.

We are an expat family to Sweden since 2017. We are working in IT industry living in south of Stockholm. We know moving to a new place is always an excitement but for sure it comes with challenges and we can imagine the challenges when the new place is altogether a new country. The main aim of https://swedenguru.com is to help expats and newbies to Sweden by sharing the information about life in Sweden, news, events, communities, system and essentials in Sweden.

Our Mission: At http://swedenguru.com, our mission is simple: we want to be your trusted resource for providing useful information about Sweden . We’re passionate about sharing information about Sweden’s unique beauty, traditions, life, news, events, how-to guide, and experiences with you.

What We Offer:

  • In-Depth Insights: Our dedicated team of writers and researchers brings you detailed articles, guides, and travel tips to help you explore Sweden confidently, from trendy Stockholm to snowy Lapland.
  • Travel Tips: Whether you’re planning a trip or just dreaming of Sweden, our travel tips, itineraries, and local insights will make your journey smoother.
  • Cultural Exploration: Discover the traditions, festivals, and everyday life that make Sweden special.
  • Lifestyle and Cuisine: From Swedish recipes to wellness trends, we dive into Swedish living.

Why Trust Us: We’re a team of Sweden enthusiasts who love sharing our knowledge and experiences. You can rely on us for accurate and up-to-date information to make your Swedish experience authentic.

Join Our Community: Become part of our growing community of Sweden lovers. Engage with us through comments and shares as we explore and celebrate Sweden together.

Thanks for choosing Swedenguru.com as your Swedish companion. We’re excited to share the wonders of Sweden with you, and we’re here for all your Swedish questions and interests.

Explore. Learn. Discover. Welcome to Swedenguru.com!